About us
The Fronditha Care Foundation is the next step in Fronditha Care’s commitment to providing culturally appropriate care to Australia’s diverse ageing community.

Purpose and vision
Our purpose is to identify and enhance the health and wellbeing intervention strategies across the entire spectrum of care, ensuring that each phase of the ageing process is addressed with purposeful, compassionate, and effective initiatives.
Our vision is that every older Australian receives the care, support and resources they need to lead a life of dignity, vitality and wellbeing.
Our strategic pillars
Social impact
Our role as the Fronditha Care Foundation
We invest to help Australia’s Greek and culturally and linguistically diverse communities to age well. Our focus is on improving people’s experiences and outcomes through innovative and tailored new practices.
We share what works with others to multiply our impact. We apply the lessons learnt within the Greek diaspora to other communities. We amplify our research findings and innovative practice.
What each pillar means for the Fronditha Care Foundation’s focus and actions
We fund high impact research, supporting emerging and leading researchers focused on improving health and care outcomes for older people.
We partner with like-minded organisations, research institutions and alliances to build understanding of what happens when we grow old and what we can do to improve life for older people.
We challenge those we work with to set ambitious goals supported by evidence-based analysis.
We build aged care sector and community awareness about healthy ageing for Greek and diverse communities.
We strengthen the capacity of the health and care sector to deliver person-centred care for diverse communities.
We advocate to governments and the sector for changes in policies and practices.
Our strategic pillars
Social impact
Our role as the Fronditha Care Foundation
We invest to help Australia’s Greek and culturally and linguistically diverse communities to age well. Our focus is on improving people’s experiences and outcomes through innovative and tailored new practices.
What this pillar means for the Fronditha Care Foundation’s focus and actions
We fund high impact research, supporting emerging and leading researchers focused on improving health and care outcomes for older people.
We partner with like-minded organisations, research institutions and alliances to build understanding of what happens when we grow old and what we can do to improve life for older people.
We challenge those we work with to set ambitious goals supported by evidence-based analysis.
Our role as the Fronditha Care Foundation
We share what works with others to multiply our impact. We apply the lessons learnt within the Greek diaspora to other communities. We amplify our research findings and innovative practice.
What this pillar means for the Fronditha Care Foundation’s focus and actions
We build aged care sector and community awareness about healthy ageing for Greek and diverse communities.
We strengthen the capacity of the health and care sector to deliver person-centred care for diverse communities.
We advocate to governments and the sector for changes in policies and practices.
About the Foundation
The Fronditha Care Foundation was founded in 2023 as the next step in Fronditha Care’s mission to ensure that every older Australian can receive the care, support and resources they need to live a life of dignity, vitality and wellbeing.
We exist because Australia needs a better, more inclusive future for aged care that can keep up with Australia’s changing cultural landscape and address current and future challenges in the aged care sector.
For the first time in Australia’s history, the proportion of older people from culturally diverse backgrounds is increasing at a faster rate than other older Australians.
Despite significant attention and investment in aged care since the royal commission barriers to accessible, culturally appropriate aged care still exist in Australia.
Our approach
Our work seeks to make a meaningful social impact, by uncovering changing needs, advancing research, and catalysing improved health and wellbeing practices for ageing Australians to elevate their quality of life.
We want to redefine the narrative surrounding ageing because we believe in a world where older people not only experience maintained health but thrive in an environment that fosters their overall wellbeing.
We focus our support and investment in three areas:
- Culturally appropriate care
- Ageing in place
- Supporting workforce
Since we opened our doors, Fronditha Care has specialised in providing culturally appropriate care to the Greek community, however our commitment to improving models of care extends to all Australians. The Fronditha Care Foundation, through its projects, will share valuable insights and improvements to service delivery across the aged care sector and broader Australian community.
Join our mission to help all Australians age better.
We welcome donors to join us in funding projects that discover intervention strategies that make a tangible impact on the lives of older Australians, so they can live and age well.
Fronditha Care Foundation Governance
As an initiative of Fronditha Care, the Fronditha Care Foundation is governed by a Committee of the Fronditha Care Board.

Dr Stella Laletas
Chair of the Fronditha Care Foundation

Kostas Livadaras
President Fronditha Care, Board Chair

Faye Spiteri OAM

Claire Sturrock
General Manager Fronditha Care Foundation

Ria Georgiadis
Strategic Advisor, Corporate Communications
Frequently Asked Questions
Foundation FAQs
Why does the Fronditha Care Foundation exist?
The Fronditha Care Foundation exists to answer the following critical questions:
- How do we improve the current aged care system so that it meets the needs of the Greek community and other diverse Australians?
- What health, cultural and workforce interventions can be established to enrich this time of life, when so often it is seen as too medicalised, transactional and not fit for purpose?
Our mission is to ensure that every older Australian can receive the care, support and resources they need to lead a life of dignity, vitality and wellbeing.
How is the Fronditha Care Foundation governed?
The Fronditha Care Foundation is governed by a sub-committee of the Fronditha Care Board in line with the Fronditha Care constitution. The subcommittee includes the Chair of Fronditha Care Foundation, the Fronditha Care President and CEO and the Strategic Projects Lead acts as Secretariat. The subcommittee is subject to the Foundation’s Terms of Reference.
If you’d like to find out more, please email [email protected]
How does the Fronditha Care Foundation decide what to invest in?
We have a robust decision-making framework to ensure we invest in projects that are aligned with our purpose, objectives, business plan and grant agreement. Our decision-making-framework can be viewed here.
If you have a project you would like to speak to the Foundation about, please contact [email protected].
Does Fronditha Care profit from the Fronditha Care Foundation?
Fronditha Care is a not-for-profit aged care provider that does not benefit financially from the Fronditha Care Foundation’s activities or donations.
Some projects supported by the Foundation positively impact Fronditha Care’s residents, clients, workforce and operations.
How does the foundation measure the impact of funded projects?
The Fronditha Care Foundation is committed to ensuring accountability, transparency and the effective utilisation of resources. We have a robust monitoring and evaluation framework to systematically assess the impact of our programs and initiatives. If you’d like to find out more please email [email protected]
Donation FAQs
How do I donate to the Fronditha Care Foundation?
The Fronditha Care Foundation accepts a one-time donation or ongoing giving.
You can make a one-time or ongoing donation here.
Is my donation tax-deductable?
Yes. All gifts over $2 to can be taken off your taxable income for the year.
How will my donation be used?
Your donation will be used to fund research and invest in projects the Foundation supports that advance the wellbeing of older Australians.
For more information about giving to dedicated projects of the Foundation please email [email protected].
Will I receive a receipt for my donation?
Yes. Once your donation has been submitted you will receive a receipt. We can also send notifications if a donation is sent on behalf of an individual or organisation, or as a gift.
Why do you need donations?
The challenges facing older Australians are too big to tackle alone, and we know the most powerful results happen through collective action. By supporting the Fronditha Care Foundation you help discover intervention strategies that make a tangible impact on the lives of our elders, so that they not only age with grace but also experience a profound sense of purpose, connection and fulfilment.
Can I direct my donation for a specific cause or initiative?
If you are interested in donating to a specific project, please contact us at [email protected] to discuss the kind of initiatives you would like to help fund.
What payment methods does the Fronditha Care Foundation accept?
The Fronditha Care Foundation accepts payments via Visa, Mastercard, and direct debit.
Is GST payable on donations?
Gifts are not subject to GST.
Will I be charged extra if I use accredit card, American Express for my donation?
You will not be charged extra if you donate via American Express.
How can I make a donation for a birthday, anniversary or funeral?
Please contact us directly at [email protected] if you would like to make a donation for a special occasion or in memory of a loved one.
Questions for grant seekers
What kind of grants does the Fronditha Care Foundation make?
The Fronditha Care Foundation makes grants nationally to support research, programs and advocacy that enhance the health and wellbeing of older Australians and empower our elders to live and age well.
Is the Fronditha Care Foundation offering grants now?
The Foundation is always interested in investing in projects, research or programs that meet its objectives. You can submit an Expression of Interest at anytime here, or contact [email protected] for an informal conversation.
When will the Foundation be offering grants?
The Foundation is always interested in investing in projects, research or programs that meet its objectives. You can submit an Expression of Interest at anytime here.
How do I apply for a grant?
You can submit an Expression of Interest at any time here.
Do you have application deadlines?
Currently the Fronditha Care Foundation doesn’t have application deadlines. You can submit an Expression of interest I at any time here.
Do you fund existing projects?
We do not fund ongoing service delivery, however we may consider applications for strategic expansions of existing programs or new/innovative additions to an existing project.
Please note that the Foundation does not fund retrospectively – we will not fund projects that have already started. Please contact [email protected] to discuss your project.
Can I speak to someone regarding my application?
Yes, please contact [email protected] to arrange a time to discuss your application.
When will I find out if my application has been successful?
There are no specific grant deadlines. We consider applications on a case-by-case basis. All grant applications are considered by the Foundation Governance Committee.
You will be notified of the success of your application by email.
What are the obligations if a grant is awarded?
All grants are subject to a Funding Agreement. The Funding Agreement will outline obligations for grantees, such as reporting and evaluation, after a grant has been awarded.
Can I contact the Foundation to discuss my project before submitting a grant application?
Yes. If you want to speak to someone about your project or would like more information about submitting a grant application, please contact [email protected].
What is the typical grant amount?
The Fronditha Care Foundation exists to answer the following critical questions:
- How do we improve the current aged care system so that it meets the needs of the Greek community and other diverse Australians?
- What health, cultural and workforce interventions can be established to enrich this time of life, when so often it is seen as too medicalised, transactional and not fit for purpose?
Our mission is to ensure that every older Australian can receive the care, support and resources they need to lead a life of dignity, vitality and wellbeing.
Can organisations reapply for funding after a previous grant?
Yes. One organisation may submit multiple applications; however, each application should be for a standalone project.