
With funds raised, the Fronditha Care Foundation makes grants nationally to support research, programs and advocacy that enhance the health and wellbeing of older Australians and empower our elders to live and age well.

The Fronditha Care Foundation awards grants to support two types of projects based on particular criteria:

Partnership projects

Projects that positively impact Fronditha Care’s residents, clients, workforce and/or operations, and align with the Foundation’s business plan. Some will be contingent upon additional funding (including in-kind) through collaborative partnerships.

Partnership projects will prioritise Social Impact (one of the Foundation’s strategic pillars). They will aim for innovation or incremental improvement in delivering positive outcomes for elders if the Greek community and will have local impact, which could over time provide whole of aged care sector benefits for diverse communities.

Transformative projects

Larger collaborative projects with higher aspirations of delivering transformational change across the aged care sector or positive social impact across more than one diverse community. By their nature they will require higher levels of collaboration and resourcing to achieve the desired outcomes.

Transformative projects prioritise Influence (one of the Foundation’s strategic pillars) and involve multiple partners, key stakeholders, and the community.

How to apply

If you have a research, intervention program or advocacy project that aligns with the Fronditha Care Foundation’s impact areas, we want to hear from you.

To apply for a grant please submit an Expression of Interest by providing a high-level overview of your project, research or initiative.

Please include:

  • Your project’s goals
  • Any background research or preliminary results that support your project’s outcomes or hypothesis
  • An estimated timeline
  • Resource requirements (including in-kind support you will need as well as financial)
  • Predicted impact on elders and how your project will improve the sector, the workforce or the care elders receive.

You can submit your Expression of Interest at any time via email to [email protected] or via our Contact page.