Our impact

The Fronditha Care Foundation makes grants nationally to support research, programs and advocacy that enhance the health and wellbeing of older Australians and empower our elders to live and age well.

Our focus areas

We work closely with research partners to answer these questions:

How do we improve the current aged care system so that it meets the needs of the Greek community and other diverse Australians?

What health, cultural and workforce interventions can be established to enrich this time of life, when so often it is seen as too medicalised, transactional and not fit for purpose?

To do this, our work is focused on delivering impact in three key areas:

Culturally appropriate care

What does culturally appropriate aged care look like in the next 10 years and beyond?

Ageing in place

How can the model of aged care service delivery be adapted to support people to age well no matter where they want to live?

Supporting workforce

What initiatives, training or structures can be implemented to improve the wellbeing and retention of a committed workforce?

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