Current projects

Find out more about the projects the Fronditha Care Foundation is currently supporting.

Supporting diversity in the aged care sector

In partnership with the Aged and Community Care Providers Association (ACCPA), we are developing a national campaign that strengthens sector capacity to support cultural diversity.

We with the ACCPA to develop a range of communication tools and learning resources to:

  • Develop a national online campaign to raise awareness of the issue of discrimination of aged care workers and encourage a ‘zero tolerance’ approach. Resources will support providers, aged care workers and older Australians and their family members to identify discrimination and how to avoid it.
  • Pilot a mentoring program designed for people from diverse backgrounds. The program pairs up to ten culturally and linguistically diverse mentors with mentees to provide tailored support and guidance within the aged care sector.

Defining Fronditha Care’s Culturally Adaptive Model of Care

This research project aims to formalise the Fronditha Care Model of Care, enhancing its cultural adaptability and applicability to diverse communities. The objectives include developing a culturally adaptive care framework based on the Fronditha Care Model of Care and testing it with other ethno-specific communities.

Ask Annie: Cultural Adaptation​

We collaborated with Dementia Australia to adapt the mobile education app Ask Annie to help Fronditha Care’s predominantly Greek-speaking personal care workers better care for people living with dementia.

This project aims to enhance the support provided to people living with dementia by adapting the mobile education app, Ask Annie, to better serve Fronditha Care’s predominantly Greek-speaking community services workforce. The project involved translating and recording 54 video scripts and voiceovers into Greek to ensure greater educational accessibility. The Greek version of Ask Annie gives all Fronditha Care staff access to information that helps them understand the nuances and specific challenges of caring for people with dementia in their native language. By equipping staff with culturally tailored training resources, the project supports staff to provide better, more compassionate care for clients living with dementia.

Education app for culturally appropriate palliative care

We are collaborating with Dementia Australia to develop an app to help our non-Greek speaking residential staff provide culturally appropriate palliative care to our Greek residents and their families.

Modelled on the successful Ask Annie app, the project aims to provide support to non-Greek speaking residential staff to understand and implement Greek cultural customs and traditions related to death and dying, with a dementia lens.

The app aims to enhance the ability of non-Greek speaking residential staff to provide culturally appropriate care and support to Greek residents and their families during the palliative process.

As the first of its kind, this project can serve as a pilot for similar initiatives targeting other diverse communities.

Join us in funding projects make a tangible impact on the lives of older Australians