Our history

Fronditha Care was established in 1977. For nearly 50 years we have specialised in providing culturally appropriate aged care and advocated for the health and wellbeing of older Australians.

Fronditha Care’s first residential facility was established in 1983 in Clayton, Victoria. The organisation progressively grew its services with facilities and 40 independent living units at St Albans in 1996, Thornbury in 1997 and Templestowe in 2005.

Our ethos is centred around providing a Bounty of Care for all our clients, whether that’s in one of our five facilities or out in the community.

The establishment of the Fronditha Care Foundation was born out of a desire to build a better future for our elders and our community. Fronditha Care wants to build a future that goes beyond provision of basic care services for older Australians, irrespective of their background, to one that celebrates them living longer, healthier lives.

Through the Fronditha Care Foundation we are eager to collaborate with others, providing an evidence base to help shape legislation, policies, practices and service delivery that enrich the wellbeing and quality of life of older Australians from diverse cultural and religious backgrounds, especially those with a Greek cultural heritage.

We are excited about the journey ahead and hope through continued support of government, stakeholders and partners we can continue to deliver through the Fronditha Care Foundation towards a shared goal of enhancing the lives of older Australians.

The Fronditha Care Foundation aligns with Fronditha Care’s core values:

Do Right

Guiding us to always do what’s best for our elders, our organisation and our community.

Inspire Better

Continually exploring ways to improve our services and advance quality of care to our elders, their families and our community.


Taking a human rights approach to care that enables people from diverse backgrounds to live the way they want while addressing cultural/spiritual needs.

Bring Joy

Taking a person-centred approach through rituals, gestures and events to bring optimism, light and joy to all of our residents to enrich their wellbeing and create dear memories.


Fronditha Care was established


Fronditha Care’s first residential facility was established in Clayton


Fronditha Care begins delivering Community Services


St Albans residential facility established


Thornbury residential facility established


Templestowe residential facility established


Fronditha Care starts new chapter launching the Fronditha Care Foundation.

We welcome donors to join us in funding projects that discover intervention strategies that make a tangible impact on the lives of older Australians, so they can live and age well.